Ethan Zuckerman

From the Press: "We Don’t Have to Choose between Ethical AI and Innovative AI"

Published Originally by Time Magazine
Reshma Saujani

In “We Don’t Have to Choose between Ethical AI and Innovative AI,” Reshma Saujani, the founder of Girls Who Code, prompts readers to consider where the boundaries of AI can be molded to better serve a variety of public interests. The internet has pushed the boundaries of education and more importantly shaped important conversations about educational access for students, offering opportunities to address inequities in the education system. Since the start of COVID-19 in 2020 and schools were pushed online, AI tools have proliferated. Well known sites, such as Khan Academy, have developed AI chatbots to assist students as they learn. Despite the role AI continues to play in shaping the information landscape of the United States, AI can offer an opportunity for learners as well as organizers to access synthesized information on a range of topics and effectively drive down the time spent finding these immediate resources. Time, in essence, is condensed to streamline access to information for students in education, citizens on public service websites, and parents who are searching for jobs with adequate paid leave options. Though AI remains imperfect, the case remains to be made: AI can also push access, accountability and transparency across critical sectors in society including education, public administration, and private sector hiring. Aggregated information can, in fact, empower. The question is: how can we ensure the power of AI is harnessed for public good?

Full Citation:

Saujani, Reshma . “We Don’t Have to Choose between Ethical AI and Innovative AI.” Time Magazine. December 5, 2023.